Why Use Crockers to Manage Your Property?
When you invest in property you take on a lot of responsibility and sometimes it may feel as though it’s more effort than reward. At Crockers our team of property management experts can help take the stress out of managing your property.
Crockers has been handling Auckland rentals for decades. What makes our property managers different is knowledge gained from years of experience, practical ability backed up by a seasoned team and a true commitment to knowing what is going on with every property we manage.
How Can Crockers Help You?
Currently, if you manage your own rental property, you face the following challenges:
- Ensuring the tradespeople hired for maintenance do the job swiftly and efficiently while following legal requirements
- Minimising the weeks the property is vacant or unoccupied while trying to maximise returns
- Handling the collection and lodging of bond with the Tenancy Tribunal
- Resolving disputes in the Tenancy Tribunal
- Maximising returns by ensuring your market rent and rent yield keeps up with Auckland trends
- Utilising any tax benefits afforded to you as part of the effort to maximise returns
- Applying the Residential Tenancies Act regarding insulation, smoke alarms and other issues
- Finding the time to do all this properly
Crockers can handle all of the above for you, and more. Your Crockers property management specialist will coordinate the professional delivery of the following services:
- Rent collection – we receive electronic bank statements daily which enables us to act on any rent arrears
- Gardens – we ensure tenants keep the gardens as tidy as required by the Residential Tenancies Act
- Water – ensuring water bills are paid by tenants
- Preventing damage to the property, such as party damage, stains, pet damage or mould
- Tenancy Tribunal, mediation, warnings and eviction – we handle these issues in the most professional manner
- Pool care – we liaise with pool care experts so a swimming pool is valued as much as the rest of the property
- Property records – our Auckland property management system is robust, meaning it’s easy to present your records to accountants, legal services and government departments such as Inland Revenue or the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment

How Crockers Can Help When Tenancies End
Auckland house prices are high and many tenants want to move into their own place, or may have found another rental that better suits their needs. All tenancies will eventually end in the tenant moving out.
Crockers steps in to help with expertise in the following:
- Advice on whether tenants’ left-behind or abandoned belongings can be disposed of
- Access for viewings and scheduling viewings
- Bond retrieval
- Distinguishing ordinary wear and tear from unacceptable damage
- Understanding where a tenant’s legal requirement to give 28 days’ notice of intention to move out applies
- Understanding what a fixed term tenancy means in reality
- Working out when to apply 90 days’ notice for tenants to vacate (this can be reduced to 63 days’ notice in certain circumstances, such as if there is a need for immediate family to move in)
- Communicating with you about your property and answering any questions

Looking For Someone to Manage Your Property?
Contact our team of experts, for a free rental appraisal and to discuss your needs:
Phone: 09 623 5952 | Email: pm@crockers.co.nz

Crockers Property Management is a member of the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (REINZ). Our Property Managers undergo regular training and development workshops.