Reading Time: 3 Minutes
What are the Top Qualities of a Good Property Manager?
Investment properties should make money for you, not just extra work. If you’re trying to manage your own investment property, however, it can sometimes feel as though it’s more effort than reward.
Enlisting a top property manager from a trusted Property Management company can help turn this situation around. Your investment property can go from being a point of worry to a point of pride. But what qualities should you look for in a property manager? Ask yourself the following questions before engaging a property manager.
Does Your Property Manager Have Great Communication Skills?
First of all, look for a property manager who approaches their work with commitment, passion and a positive attitude. A property manager with great people skills will foster positive relationships with your clients – the tenants - and landlords alike. Keeping communication channels open at all times is imperative to creating a great working relationship.
Is Your Property Manager Accountable at All Times?
A top property manager will be accountable for the properties they are looking after. If anything out of the ordinary occurs, it is imperative that landlords are immediately informed. Honesty and responsibility are signs of a good property manager and go a long way towards creating positive relationships between property managers and landlords.
Is Your Property Manager Organised and on Top of the Law?
Being organised is an all-important part of a property manager’s job. Property managers have the responsibility for co-ordinating repairs and improvements, inspections and renewals and must also manage landlords, tenants and tradespeople. Property managers also need to be well informed of legislative requirements which change frequently, as the Act changes and Tribunal decisions guide interpretation. At Crockers, we are always up to date with the latest developments in property law and ensure our clients meet their legal obligations.
Is Your Property Manager Accessible at All Times?
Real estate is not a nine-to-five job and property managers must be accessible at all times. A property manager needs to be on call for both landlords and tenants in times of need, or have effective systems in place for those times when they are truly unavailable. The best property managers will be available for you – and your tenants - when you need them.
Will Your Property Manager Take a Business-Minded Approach?
Finally, property managers need to be business-minded. Real estate is a highly competitive industry with large incomes at stake. It can be easy to forget that landlords aren’t the only people who must be kept happy, but tenant satisfaction is of paramount importance also.
Can a Professional Property Management Company Help You?
At Crockers, our years of experience and professional Property Management team can help take the stress out of managing your investment property.
Find out how a Crockers Property Manager can help you here, or request a Property Management information pack here.