Beautify Your Property

August 2019

Reading Time: 4 Minutes

Making Your Rental Stand Out With Property Presentation

Home staging is one of the most important things you can do for your investment.

The way you present your property online and in person can be the difference between finding the perfect tenants and settling for second best!

If you do it right, property photography and staging can:

  • Increase the amount you earn on your property
  • Attract your preferred tenants
  • Improve your property value overall
  • Help you rent your property faster

You want to ensure that you get tenants who are the perfect fit.


By creating a welcoming space for them.

When people are looking to rent or buy, they want to picture themselves in the house.

Therefore, start by thinking about what kind of tenants you want then work backwards.

These rental property presentation tips will help you get the best tenants possible!

Paint, Carpet and Curtains

If you are staging a rental property, start with paint, carpet and curtains.

You can stage all the furniture and decor you want, but your ideal tenants will notice stains immediately. People are at their most critical when they are looking for a new place to live.

Your tenants know that other people have lived there previously. It is your job to make it feel like they are the first ones there.

Quick presentation tips for making your rental stand out:

  • Keep a tin of the same paint you used for the walls for regular touch-ups
  • Take the curtains down and wash them. It is also a good idea to check the back of any blinds for mildew build-up
  • Get your carpets professionally cleaned at least once a year
  • Pay for a deep clean of the kitchen and bathroom- tenants often neglect extractor fans, dishwashers and down the sides of the fridge!

Budgeting time and money for little details mean that you will get consistently high-quality tenants and maintain the value of your rental property.

Do You Need a Garden Makeover?

If your rental has a garden then you probably already maintain it throughout the year.

However, you need to give it a little more TLC when you are staging.

Like painting, carpets and curtains, it is all in the details.

Take the extra time to weed between the pavers, trim trees, and spruce up the hedges.

While you’re at it, bring the outside in where you can. Use greenery to bring the space up a level- even if it’s fake.

If you pay attention to maintenance details, it shows tenants that you expect them to look after the property as well. These are the kinds of people you want to attract!

Home Staging and Photography

You wouldn’t buy something online without seeing it first. Marketing your property is exactly the same.

Photos and first impressions matter!

For example, think about branded online clothing stores versus cheap ones that might never deliver. If you see high-quality photos you are much more likely to pay premium prices because you know exactly what you are getting. People are willing to pay for quality, so reflect this with your property photography.

Property presentation is also all about the way it makes tenants feel 

Is it clean and modern or old and cosy? Does it have minimal furniture? Think back to your “ideal tenant” and what their priorities are.

Photos are the first thing potential tenants will see so it is worth putting in the effort upfront. Statistics show that homes with high-quality photos sell faster- don’t underestimate this important step in the rental process!

Quick tips for effective home staging photography:

  • Always take photos in natural light
  • Consider washing the windows to let in as much airy, natural light as possible
  • Ideally, you should invest in a professional photographer. If you DIY your photos make sure they are good quality!
  • Remove any personal items like photos. Basically, you want the same aesthetic as a hotel- neutral, minimal, classic decor with no clutter!
  • Don’t leave anything out if there are rooms and spaces missing from the photos people might think there is something to hide
  • Where possibly take photos with furniture in the space. It will help people imagine how to fit their own furniture

By paying attention to the smaller details and taking high-quality photos, you will give yourself the best chance of securing the perfect tenants!


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